Our Games Manifesto
Here we go. This is where you probably expect us to tell you that “Rebellis’ games are easy to learn yet hard to master” and that they are “games made by gamers for gamers”.
Here at Rebellis, though, we like to play a different game. So, we ask you NOT to believe what we’re telling you simply because we’re using the usual cliches. What we really want is to explain to you how we do what we do. If what you read sounds interesting to you, then you may also enjoy our games.
Every single one of our project is the outcome of the passion we put into our work, yes, but also and even more so of an atypical concept of “game as an experience”.
We, at Rebellis, commit to:
• create games that stimulate a constant personal growth
• award, in tournaments, both the absolute results and the personal improvements
• “more value for your money” – one of our main goals is to empower you to use each Rebellis game in many different ways -
➔ gaming experience (what):
a good game is a collection of stimuli that “touch” the player in their entirety:
MENTAL STIMULI - (ALWAYS BE CHALLENGING)• Highly tactical and strategic
• Personal improvement
• Ever-evolving challenges
• Always new scenarios
EMOTIONAL STIMULI - (ALWAYS BE ENGAGING)• Profound and lively background
• Organized gaming
➔ in-game experience (how):
what happens is not all that matters, how it happens is equally important. Our hearts bleed when we see a good product built while disregarding essential aspects like:
• Usability
• Ergonomics
That’s why our development team includes an expert in game components and dynamics optimization, and people with visual disabilities or impaired mobility are taken into account as well.
“We want your gaming time to be occupied by actual gaming, not by pointless confrontation”. -
Two main protagonists for a single large community, to which we offer all the tools to keep growing constantly and be always active:
• via forum, social media, background web site, and personal story of every hero
• we appreciate your compliments, from which we muster our strength
• we acknowledge the value of constructive criticism, from which we grow and improve
“no voice will be ignored or censored”➔ LGS (LOCAL GAME SHOPS)
• game shops are part of our community
• they are the reference point for our gamers
• we actively support all events organized by/in LGS
• irreplaceable gathering and sharing points
• they are their managers’ life, and we support them
At Rebellis we’re in for the long run.
We invest:
We want:
Rebellis’ games to be products that retain their value for years to come.
By keeping up to date and staying flexible.
Day after day:
we challenge and better ourselves, never content with the current results, always pursuing improvement.
Our “plus”:
we have fun, and we want everyone who chooses Rebellis’ games to have fun as well, or all of this wouldn’t make any sense.
Our choices:
are often original and unusual, we know. Even courageous. You know what? We’re proud of that, we want it to be that way, we do NOT want to be yet another gaming company who does what everyone else is already doing, the same way everyone else is doing it, only to be “one of many”.