Our Team Manifesto
Is it possible to get something good out of a bunch of crazy people with a strong flair for rebellion? At Rebellis, we are living proof that it is.
The very idea of rebellion is our inception. Not a rebellion at any cost, but a reasoned one, and with a specific target, the concept of rebellion itself. It's been our goal since day 1.
We have to admit it: we cannot really stand the straight-thinking of the mass which follows everything that’s considered mainstream. Less risky for sure, but that’s just not who we are. The same way people do not have the courage to say what they think, just because “everybody says it, so it must be that way”. Not at all.
You are not necessarily supposed to do something the same way it’s always been done, just because it has always worked; or because since the dawn of time it has always been done that way. Actually, even when something already works really well, here at Rebellis we look at it as something that can be improved even more.
Using a little bit of madness, we moved away from the usual comfort zone, and got somewhere far beyond under the Rebellis insignia.
We lit a sparkle and lighted a flame in the heads of those who realized they weren’t really that afraid to walk a different and hazardous path.
How? First of all, we are aware of something very important: in the “wargame world” there are a lot of habits we chose not to follow.
Less conventional, more exciting for the Rebellis community.
In fact, our community is growing, daring and taking risks in this way as well. We are revolting against ordinary dynamics. They are too tight for us.
Thanks to this challenge we want to become an example - getting the credit but also accepting the blame when appropriate.
Our door is open to those who intend to stand with us and follow this ideal. Those who don’t want to question themselves are, maybe, in the wrong place.
Rest assured that we aren’t trying to persuade anyone. What we want is to be an inspiration to take one step forward. This is rebellion too, and we are proud of it.