“Ever Inspiring”
Collectors' miniatures - This is how we do it
We leave nothing to chance. Never. In every area. That’s why the first step to create a Rebellis’ miniature for collectors is all about an accurate study of the mini’s concept. “Good fist” doesn’t usually work for us. Sometimes neither the second nor the third take. We think both about the miniature’s concept and what comes next - casting issues for us and artistic stuff for the collector.
Moving from the miniature’s concept to the sculpture is a matter of developing it until we get an optimized-on-all-fronts model. We’re developing sophisticated figures and volumes and we never step back when it comes to daring. You may think this would be harsh for our team, but it’s actually necessary to obtain inspired and unique results.
Getting to this level of quality isn’t easy, that’s why our dedicated team works hand in hand with our partner casting lab to acquire the high standards we want. We’ve become rather good at it, try to believe.
Many of the special collectors’ editions of Rebellis’ miniatures come with chalcographic printings or limited edition pieces of art, which are developed to be strictly linked to the characters and their backgrounds. -
Wargames miniatures
WIP. Coming soon.