Caccia al Tesoro “La pietra del Legame”
Rebellis Games and Miniatures invites you to the first edition of the “La Pietra del Legame” treasure hunt at Belgioioso MiniArt 2024.
This will be a unique experience for kids (max 14 yo) to gain your place as an Explorer of the “Company of Explorers”. Follow the hints, learn how to use antique printing techniques to pursue the hunt, and discover where the “Pietra del Legame” has been hidden. Take it to the Company of the Exporers and become one of them. You’ll get your parchment and you’re in!
When: Saturday, September 21st, 2004 from 10 am to 7 pm and Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 from 9 am to 7 pm.
Where: Belgioioso Castle, Pavia.
Who: kids max 14 yo, max 150 new Explorers.
Antique printing techniques involved: cyanotype, xylography.
Free of charge.